that one has traveled abroad seems to olvidársele where he has lived (and still lives) all his life. The photo beneath this writing was taken a few years ago near my house. Exactly where is now the carrefuor de Las Rosas.
services in this neighborhood, residents have historically taken out into the street with a knife in his mouth. Today we released the meter is going to put a quarter of an hour from the Puerta del Sol, just five minutes from Ignacio Luzuriaga, and twenty-five Iriarte. Among the neighborhood of Pueblo Nuevo, Ciudad Lineal district today, and people Vicálvaro, there was a large field called Cerro de la Vaca, who belonged the municipality of Canillejas. At the beginning of the decade of the 50's last century changed the name of Cerro de la Vaca for San Blas. In this hill lived about 300 families engaged in the search, with mule scavengers collected the waste from the houses, such as neighborhoods of Tetuan, Vallecas or Chamartin.
seems that today, finally, the Hill of the cow enters the XXI century, as in the best drunk I do not know whether to laugh or mourn. A guy who has not taken the subway in his life, as we demonstrated last week, is responsible for inauguration by the countess, and I remember especially my parents. From when we finally went to 70 so far. Of when they began to develop the sidewalk and street. It godforsaken has been lifelong neighborhood. From the idiots who now have car and Canal + are believed rich. A fool as many emotions and I together and tell them, mostly I remember all the adults who immigrated to this neighborhood and now missing. The first meeting of Rafael Alberti to set foot on English in Guadalajara Avenue. The potent combination of neighbors of San Blas. Of how the PSOE was loaded and neighborhood associations when it came to power. In many things, I say, my life.
this week I guess many people will holiday at home to celebrate. I'm going to do one and I will celebrate meter at the door of my house and can come to me and my friends without possible loss, or time travel. Although the first toast will do for those scavengers of the search that set up their shacks in the neighborhood and that once the story got called schools, buses, metro ... I just think we are missing the hospital for Europeans. Of course, the stop should have been called The Wanted: Cow Hill.

pdate: When making a new campaign that whiskey that appeals to the character, personality, mood or temperament ... I hope never again to resort to any American actor with a face American actor. Well they could put the face of the one hundred twenty-seven million Japanese who are enduring with stoicism, courage, determination, equanimity and Citizenship the worst tragedies of nature and science, and that any people would launch into despair, pillage or madness.
And they say the are small.
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