Around the FPV bill by which Cristina Kirchner would grant the possibility of eternal life, it is necessary to make some clarifications, in order to the opposition does not get confused (a very common) or that the media monopoly does not begin to distill his bad temper (do not know any other milk)
1. In principle, this project would be a simple extension of the powers delegated by Congress to the Executive to make management more flexible. That is what is commonly known as Superpowers, which for this project would be a perfect name, as only a "super-" could have access without consent divine eternity.
2. To access this benefit, Cristina K. (Clarinet and likes) should meet certain requirements specific to the hero, like crossing thresholds and overcome obstacles. It is true, has overcome many, but still lacking a bit. You never know what can spawn found in this legendary journey.
3. Sine qua non is the descent into hell and return alive. And while the Resolution 125 and betrayal Cletera can be understood as a similar experience, is not the same. Should, indeed, the president down to Hell, as did Odysseus, Aeneas, Dante, Jesus and only then, enjoy the eternal reelection.
4. No way, Craig K. may usufruct of a possible return of her late husband. To be eternal, should it materialize this fall. And under no point of view, imply a possible return of Nestor, that it can also enjoy the benefits provided herein. The project was sanctioned for the sole purpose of fulfilling the divine mandate that says, "I will return and be millions (millions of voters and millions of years ...)
5. The Act only applies while Cristina K. serve as President, as soon as it decides to return to his legal profession or parliamentary, or housewife or perform any other profitable activity (such as soybean harvest) will die a natural death. Since the law only dictates that the beneficiary effects of the perpetuation in power and thereby ensure that the opposition, media and other elements gorillas, have something to talk about during its short existence.
6. Under difficult to make compliance with this rule is called the Hitler Youth to make all possible efforts, blindness and fanaticism putting immense undertaking.
7. I hope that Cristina is eternal, and be, I also eternal. At least for a while, this is an irrefutable truth. Just to laugh a little more.
8. If Cristina K. died prior to the enactment of this Act, we're screwed and have no grounds Act. If Cristina K. died, as had the chutzpah to do it, Nestor, We are in the oven. So you better rush fees and approve the project.
Cristina, eternal.
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