"This was the period of its existence in that she lit up the whole Paris with a roll of splendor.
was more arrogant on the horizon of vice, dominating the town with the insolent display of luxury, of his contempt for the d oney, which led her to publicly melt fortunes.
In his palace appeared to be a glow of a forge. His relentless whims burned there, the slightest breath of his l ABIOS trocar fine gold in the wind-swept ash all the time. had never seen a brake to ESI similar waste. The little hotel seemed built on a hilltop where they drowned, leaving no trace d the least dust, men with their finances, their bodies and even their names. That
young, like a parrot that fed only some horseradish and some almonds, and maybe a bite of meat needed mens ualmen you to the table, five thousand francs. ..
amon ... Neither men s tornado on each other, and the gold drain to fill up the tunnel getting truckloads growing more and more under the pavement of the palace, between the cracks of luxury .
In his palace appeared to be a glow of a forge. His relentless whims burned there, the slightest breath of his l ABIOS trocar fine gold in the wind-swept ash all the time. had never seen a brake to ESI similar waste. The little hotel seemed built on a hilltop where they drowned, leaving no trace d the least dust, men with their finances, their bodies and even their names. That
young, like a parrot that fed only some horseradish and some almonds, and maybe a bite of meat needed mens ualmen you to the table, five thousand francs. ..
amon ... Neither men s tornado on each other, and the gold drain to fill up the tunnel getting truckloads growing more and more under the pavement of the palace, between the cracks of luxury .
Émile Zola. Nana fragment.
This excerpt from the book of Emilie Zola, Nana , has a simple explanation. Today I will talk about a film before film (three times) was a play inspired an opera by Verdi, La Traviata , and that before all this was a book, a book I have not read called The Lady of the Camellias , by Alexandre Dumas (son). But accidents that occur, I was reading this book that features another court, when I started watching the movie Camille (1936), directed by George Cukor and then I relation of ideas. Not that I have been to investigate the issue of the courtesans. It was pure chance.
As all of you know a courtesan was a prostitute estate, but I think the passage I have reproduced the book Nana, beautifully illustrated, which came to be a courtesan and, therefore, what came to be or Camille Camille, so named because it placed a camellia at the neck to tell men (admittedly that was subtle) that was available.
The Lady of the Camellias was based on Alexandre Dumas's mistress, Marie Duplessis, who apparently was the Miss. There you have it, showing off with their camellia, such as taxis.

But if the film has something to do with the book, Camille or Margaret or Marie should have much more heart than Nana because she fell in love, but unfortunately for him, poor kid fell in love.
When Margaret (Greta Garbo ) attends the opera, his particular friend and hunting buddy in the poor prey to melt his fortune, a woman too old to be courteous but the first to sign up for the holidays that gives Margarita , says that in the seats is the Baron de Varville (Henry Daniell ) but Margarita wrong and from the stage he spends in this case, the Garbo look lethal. As a result, rising to his box is not the only Varville baron Armand (Robert Taylor ). When your friend tells you it's late error.
When he meets Margaret Armand, it is sick with tuberculosis and has many debts that can only be overcome if it is decided by the Baron. Lo dilemma, Margarita should keep the money of Baron or Armand's eternal love, but unfortunately, not on your own will to decide.
has been said of this film is a work height of the classic romantic drama. I realize that the words drama, romantic and classical together can give the impression more of the same, the typical / topical impossible romance oldest black thread with more honey and a honeycomb. Yes, but to my surprise I saw myself at the end of the movie biting my fingernails and really looking forward to Margarita and Armand and ate partridges nurseries along the rest of his days. Greta Garbo
is superb, camera stealing involuntarily, as usually happens in all his films.
Paradoxically, it chose the more austere Hollywood star to play this queen of waste it was Margarita. Greta Garbo spent what I needed and did not need the frills. He always said he had to save to retire soon and he did.
For the interpretation made of Margarita was nominated for an Oscar. But before that, she was a goddess in Hollywood.
George Cukor directed her in her first major victory and also in his terrible defeat when in 1941, only three movies and six years later, returned to directing in the movie Women of the Two Faces , a film with a infumable script anyone know where to get, even the director, not even the Greta. Suddenly, Greta Garbo seemed ten years old. Responsible for designing the costumes for she refused to modern design clothes and left the study but not before adding " When the glamor just for Garbo, just for me." (I dedicate the phrase White Gold)
In one scene had to dance the "girl-hits " , a kind of rumba. Greta hated so many dance classes once hid behind a cypress tree in his garden when he got the dancing, shouting "Get out Rumba!"
The film was a big failure. From here several directors sought to revive the career of Greta Garbo, onto the system is trying to create a character to her that the re-elevate to stardom, but when they met with her and shared their ideas worked she said she wanted to play a clown. And thus ended the career of an actress huge in my opinion.

His co-star Robert Taylor who plays the young Armand (Robert was 25 and Greta 31) gives a very good reply. Represents all the kindness and good feeling that the missing Baron Varville creating an entirely sensible and sincere to Margaret, who leads the public to stand on your side from minute one.
However, despite the good complicity of the two main actors starring my favorite scene of Margarita and the baron, when he comes home by surprise and grab a Margarita just before going to Armand. Then she asks the Baron to play the piano to see if they do not realize what was happening and when this happens Armand ring the bell and Margarita and the Baron started a satirical scene where he brutally interrogated while plays the piano and she laughs saying "be calling my lover to escape me with it" and both laugh more and more outrageously while telling truths to the face and a grand piano with a melody that carries the stress.
also makes a brief but intense appearance Lionel Barrymore in the role of the father of Robert. George Cukor
get a spectacular setting to create the atmosphere of these courtesans and their entourage of friends who were part of high society without being aristocrats, ill weigh them to aristrĂ³catas and, above all, to their wives.
Regards and good weekend.
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