Monday, January 31, 2011

How Yo Masterbate Diahram

In other worlds ... RAIN ROCIO

Sometimes you do not have the words ... or is that spent all, or are tired lyrics always be the same or soul to repeat at every step.
Then a miracle happens and you find yourself suddenly with what you say, but that other things such as if that other had been put in our thoughts and would have interpreted what they let out ...
As I said recently, you have to shop around there worth the whole trip ... I repeat and reaffirm today ... I leave this here is a sample of what I say ....

The train.

By train whistles and stops for a moment. Up to a car the travelers. From up there since the house is now closed, silent, if we expected the train to pass, we would see how the little red light appears, then, like every night, every month, every year, shines for a moment and then hidden.

say life is like a train,
with stations, passengers, round trip tickets ...
say there are trains that only happen once in life
that either you take time, time, or lose them forever.
Who has not happened?

acknowledge that I have been I arrived on time in seasons, I've always found
times and thought the best destinations,
and yet I always chose fast, easy, without checking too, "here, here I am worth."
Maybe that's why more than one occasion I jumped trains would have to be me, with complete certainty
otherwise not know if better or worse, but different ...
not know either very well, if I chose or was imposed on me , but when in doubt prefer to think that I decided I ...

acknowledge that lurks on foreign trains, which begged
for stopping at stations absurd
and I spent the best moments in places you never go back.

recognize that I put the sign "occupied" when it was emptier,
I refused to start when more needs to escape,
I fled when I should have stayed a while longer, I went down to travelers
unfairly and unjustly
also received many others. Today

admit that I was the last car and sat on his back because I was embarrassed the world.
I closed my eyes and I got carried away because I had no illusions with which to continue traveling.
that if he wanted to travel but it was not out of necessity.
What if it was by necessity was because sometimes you let yourself be carried away by not standing still.
For he is still dead.
to be dead because I have spare time.
Because we are not to waste time.
Because sometimes at the wrong time, are caught and allowed to escape the best trains.
For I know that may not last long trip, or to provide the best of company.
Cause I'm invited to get on and I'm getting tired of waiting. Why wait
always a waste of time.
Because I do not like to repeat and repeat it ... Rests are screaming

How To Prevent Cameltoes

prepare for Holy Communion?

We prepared for what is coming this May?

As the gateway this will be what other children take in their communion. We

model girl lettuce heart "of how not Agatha Ruiz or" cabbage girl classic "another good man ...
there will be a white dress I bought it, but if you imagine in this world can be a girl, so presumed that they are at that time, choosing the Agatha?, If any fellowship asistís where this this outfit ... that girl got away ... if it does not eat before a cow ha ha!

Here children.

We have the type short sailor Kurt Cobain or chip elegant and casual long ... I ask the latter to the mine, taking the cross but that cross is the crucifix in the bedroom of my grandparents.
For the classical also have costume, hear!
It "girl of the prairie life to the Lord" or the classic sailor tissue "wedding dress Farruquito pa" ... So if, as we are I would put the white shoes of "suck my tip."

Commonwealth Bank Maestro Card

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, 1958)

"We do not live together. We occupy the same space, nothing more." Maggie (Elizabeth Taylor) Brick (Paul Newman).

We are faced with the film adaptation of the work gave the author his second Pulitzer Prize Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (to translate the title into English, the word disappeared hot) .
This is not the first nor the last time that takes to the big screen some of the works of Tennessee Williams, other examples are Suddenly Last Summer , A Streetcar Named Desire or The Rose tattooed.

could summarize the tape as a play about sexual and emotional frustrations, as well as a vivid portrait of passionate loyalty.
addition, the pairing of Elizabeth Taylor and Paul Newman in this movie is one of the most memorable movies: a hot combination of beauty, passion and talent. But not only that, but because this film was both a turning point in their careers.

- You know how I feel? Like a Cat on a Hot Tin Roof warmed by the sun! Maggie (Elizabeth Taylor).
- What could be the victory of a cat on a hot tin roof? Brick (Paul Newman).
- continue to resist it while . Maggie (Elizabeth Taylor).

The cat ... premiered on Broadway under the direction of Elia Kazan and Barbara Bel Geddes and Ben Gazzara in the lead roles (a Burl Ives noted that he played the same role in both the theater and cinema). The most important work won Tony Awards the year and reached 700 performances. But Williams was not satisfied with the result, since censorship had forced him to soften some aspects of the work, especially those related to the implied homosexuality of her husband (something that also occurred in the film), blamed for the suicide of his fellow sports.

The action takes place over a hot summer night in which members of a wealthy Southern family have gathered to mark the birthday of patriarch (Burl Ives), who unknowingly suffer cancer terminal. The favorite son (Paul Newman), temporarily injured, try to drown their frustrations in alcohol, to the despair of his wife (Elizabeth Taylor), fails interest in the dispute over the inheritance, with the possible death of the father, held his wife, the eldest son and his ambitious wife (Judith Anderson, Jack Carson and Madeleine Sherwood).

began in February 1958 shooting Cat on a Hot Tin Roof , and the two actors were in a crucial moment in their lives: the right film could launch to stardom, and wrong sink in the mud.

Elizabeth Taylor was 26 and had 15 in the scene, as he matured, we can say, as did the characters he played, even though most of them just left him demonstrate its potential ... well, all the critics began to wonder what the course of his career just at this moment, is that Taylor did not attract attention only by their performances, but also for its beauty and hectic personal life.
On the other hand, Paul Newman had four years of film career when he received this paper. Naturally, the studio hired him because they wanted a new "Brando", in fact it is as advert. He was one of the greatest actors of the decade with the aforementioned Marlon Brando, Montgomery Clift as well and James Dean (although he was already dead), but Newman was a tortoise among hares, and this film was the change: from now the roles that other funds would interpret differently.

So in 1958, both were willing to be at the top of the star system at the time, just needed the proper medium, and that was Cat on a Hot Tin Roof .

Maggie, the provocative, and Brick, the troubled, are the kinds of roles that actors dream.

A Newman, the disturbing and complicated Brick given an opportunity to shed those PAPL handsome boy where he had begun to stagnate, although part of that problem was due to the hypnotic beauty and unnatural character poseía.Para prepare delved into his own life: his character in the film is a man with a huge desire is to have a good relationship with his father, which Newman also wanted in real life.

Although the film was destined to become a blockbuster, thanks to the popularity and electrifying performances from their players, there was an event that shocked the film set, including Elizabeth Taylor, her third husband, died in plane crash, but the shooting did not cease. She took almost a month off, but MGM did not pay for each day not worked, so had to re-shoot.

From their careers successful as the Coca-Cola: Taylor showed that in addition to being young and beautiful, could give life to different and difficult roles, to Paul Newman, was his talim and strength push him to fight for better roles.

Curiosities and details:

- In the beginning was going to shoot in black and white, but eventually opted for the color because they see the beautiful Elizabeth Taylor's violet eyes and the deep blue eyes of Paul Newman that was encouragement to go see the movie.

- The film opened in September 58 and became the sensation of the season immediately: 10 million box office.

- was nominated for 6 Oscars: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Actress, Best Actor and Best Cinematography.

to the next entry hearts.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

How To Find The Apothem Of A Hexagonal Prism

The paradox of Clarín

despair is presumed monopoly. The constant resort to legal tricks and media operations of remarkable meanness or vulgarity. Children. Obvious. Ridiculous.
spider is assumed that the walls trying to keep a portion of the power that characterized and from which it is stripped. That is going to try, even unscrupulous, dirty as it affects that power accumulated so suspiciously.
In his mad climbing against the Government now intends to rely on Clarín constantly Law scorned as the "media K", and before which made a huge lobby, going to gentiles gentlemen of the opposition and "solidarity" of other media, including those overwhelmed by its power. Invoking the law that judicial question, and which has judges, you know, very "independent."

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Banan Appeal Tile Company

The new woman in red is purple


that ... red in the campaign but she lila lila ...

So to be famous and go on TV beads releasing some time ago that I keep track, but to become both almost simultaneously in the breasts, took him to the letter (ja, ja .) While I was out of joint

alive and just taking care of these having spend 3 months postpartum, this on TV out of fiestuqui, super cute and darker hair.

- Mona and retrieved these and ...

-Ela If not let me eat because when I want to eat it too so ...

(Guilipuertas not you know use your other hand or eat after she ?!?!" what to say drop pa starve you try to be cute pa ...)

"And that new hair color?

"Well you see is that the drink takes me so long that I can not go to the hairdresser to give me the matches ...

(Me cago en tó ... you have no time pa pelu ...?¿"+`'+¡')

But now it seems that as time goes looser because to get that sausage and lower lip will have taken a couple of sessions!, not to mention the pears seem to have grown too ...

That was before I had a good chute, but also more natural ...

Certainly Keita Keita girl without her lower lip and above ...

So knowing the mother, grandmother and great grandmother ... miedito gives me the results that may produce greater the child through surgery ...

... time to time ...

Silversmithing Courses Calgary

today .... Once again ... Don Mario ...

is not no secret the deep admiration I feel for the lyrics to this teacher ... as I felt his "change clothes" and the huge appreciation for all which left us ... It therefore would be impossible to choose one over the other in writing, but yesterday, walking around, I came to a friendly house and found that by the time he did not read ... is it that only I know that ... I got more than other times ... as I say ... he always says it best ...

If they can, incidentally, be given a turn around, swear it's worth the trip ...

From affections. ; Mario Benedetti

How do you know that there is time?
That one only has to look and give it,
Nobody lays down except life,
That life is lost without some rules,
That is not lost to open up,
That's not to love indiscriminately open up,
That is not forbidden love,
which also can be hate,
not hatred and love are affected
That the aggression because it hurts a lot,
the wounds are closed,
That should not close doors,
That door is the most affection
That affects us define
That is defined not swim against the current,
the stronger is the most expressive is drawn,
That does not mean a balance to be lukewarm,
That involves opening words deny distances
That encounter is very beautiful,
That sex is part of the beauty of life,
That part of sex life,
That "why" of children has because
we want to know someone is just curious
we want to know everything is all unhealthy curiosity,
It never hurts to thank
That determination is not doing things alone,
Nobody wants to be alone,
That is not to be alone to give,
That to give we should receive before
To give us that we must also know how to ask,
That is not how to ask for her,
to give me is, in short, not wanting,
that if we want we must show what we are,
That for someone "is" you have to help,
That help is to encourage and support
That adulation is not helping,
That is so pernicious flattery like turning your face,
That things are honest face to face,
Nobody is honest because it does not steal,
That is not stealing thief pleasure,
That when there is no pleasure in things you are not living,
That to feel life should not be forgotten that there is death,
That can be a living dead
does it feel with the body and mind
What you hear with your ears,
It costs to be sensitive and avoid injury,
That injury is no bleed,
That not to be injured create walls,
who sows walls That does not include anything
That most of us are builders of walls,
That would be better to build bridges
What about them going to the other side and turns,
That does not mean back again,
That may also be moving back,
Not much progress was closer to the sun dawns,
How you know that no set rules unless life?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Alpha Kappa Alphaand Probate

In other worlds ... Today, Silvio Rodriguez

acknowledge that while I love this man, born in San Antonio de los Baños, Cuba, a Sagittarius November 29 ... like me ... never heard this song. And I marveled, as always ...
When I started to hear the sky is indeed falling apart ... rain ... when he finished he looked up and saw it, beautiful, brilliant, wonderful rainbow ... I could not help recalling another ... But this letter and that vision, were too strong for me ...


again I hear the guitar in the neighborhood
and visit my city to recognize
I go back to love as a child I knew
and awakening as a god that will lengthen the nap

I read in the sea lesson of the immense
and rename the color that life taught me
I know breathe fresh oxygen
and return to the sun that you expect me

I learn that tomorrow is a Livable
full of moments, kisses and promises and dreams
I find the seed of the son and father
I bathe again in the clear desire
in the deep desire

I get to shine with the moon ajar
peace and lay on your coat damping
saberle I sing one night so new
like that once released me

Silvio Rodriguez

Acknowledging Sympathy Cards

Church, discursive power, economic power

Today I published this post on the blog Grito de Lobos. I transcribe and invite too, if you want to comment on this blog to feel the Argentina in the motherland.

want to talk about religion. In the Catholic religion. I speak mainly of the Catholic Church as an institution of power and linked to the state. That is, as what should not be.
not dispute that within a society, the Church engage in advocacy for power. Everything is power relationships. What I wonder is, its absurd claim to be the State. To impose its doctrine and general discourse. Better, to impose their speech as general law, and not as standard for their faithful.
From where does this ambition? It is ambition or collusion between church and state? Where in the story line is confusing the roles?
I know from books, a world in which God is the center and that anyone who does not respect the law, persecuted, imprisoned and burned. I also know that at some point, God ceases to be the center, and that place is going to take the man.
Yet nothing seems to have changed. O yes, and it's just the Church that seeks to fill the central location such as a Balance Law and Society.
In dictatorships, it seems much simpler than the discourse of absolute revealed truth, not blindly refute and respected, to metastasize.
In democratic societies, however, the institutional Church, it seems resigned to take the rightful place and which awarded him its chief ideologue in laying the foundation stone.
Instead, the organization seeks to impose his speech not only as a general rule of coexistence, but also keep a large part of the "cake" which involves the State (that is, all Jewish, Catholic, blond, yellow , employees, bosses, homosexuals, women, sick, healthy, etc.).
As an example, it may be recalled in Argentina, the enactment of the Divorce Act in the 80's, around which the bombing Catholicism the state as "generator divorce. " As if an atheist, should respect the law abstract of a God who does not believe.
These attacks and rabid intolerance of Catholicism, rose last year, when the government prepared to play a central role in the quest for equality, regulated the Equal Marriage Act, and is sensed, a bitter fight about the Law Abortion.
is simple: the Church's ambition that his speech forged from belief, faith, outreach, even those who do not share those beliefs. And if they could establish Hell as punishment for all social misconduct, or what they consider "sin."
Hell, must accept the Church, is an unproven hypothesis, and as such can not be considered a temporary physical space a law of society, if you can determine punishment.
But this claim is not merely discursive. It is clear that the Church knows what role it should play, but not accepted. The organization is not naive and knows that, at least in Argentina, its constitutional status as the State Religion, gives some important privileges that no other religion has.
In the December issue of 2010 Magazine Faces and Masks, appears an interesting article by Gabriel Michi, which summarizes the privileges of the Catholic Church. Briefly, we could list them:

- The State (all) contribute to the salaries of titular bishops, auxiliary emeritus. Retirement contributions priests and parishes.

- Religious Catholics do not pay taxes, except for services like electricity and water.

- The state subsidizes denominational schools.

suspect that with these few data, just to get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhy the Church Institution fight tooth and nail that place that does not belong, to share state power. It is not just a matter of discourse and imposed on other religions, is about money, and pretty.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Asking For Money In A Birthday Invitation

Gold seems

all started while she scrubbed the floor of my room as background "heart heart "talk about the Golden Globes ... no, not the" pears "from Christina Aguilera, but the prizes.

" Coni, which is hermosota since this "... I immediately came to mind the image of the pig Peguyy.

I went to my ordenata and I looked for more pictures and to put similar opened a world to my eyes ... as I have lived until now without knowing it ... I could not laugh more ...
For me, the most got this from Paquito Clavel and the episcopal conference or Ronaldinho ...

And of these the prize is between Prodigy and the monkey or of Benedict ... even that conguito King africa and not wasted, ha, ha!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Catholic Wedding Program Wording In Spanish

Although only I will understand ...

cuaresmario ;
forced heir

today if ... I have a day Black ...

How Often Do I Get Sick If I Have Hiv?

But this is what it is ... 1 day

After an evening largaaaaa as bimadre , naive me sit and watch the tele ...

In the 1: Troy. 2004 movie and more goes to the dye B. Pitt in their social bliss.

In the 2: Concert by Plácido Domingo. I have no na COTRA it, but as pa put it on a Friday night schedule prime time ...

In Four: Big Brother. This I have no words ... For Rosana pa view. Between the antics of shit brat and the optical images ... do not know who it goes worse if the viewer seems to be seeing Matrix or mother of the hosts that gives you the daughter.

In tele 5: Deluxe Salvame. Kiko Matamoros puts to the plate to mourn because it seems that he is going blind in one eye ...

In A3: DCEC . Masiel account their war stories next to "grandfather chives."

And I say ... but this is what !!??? ... And after the day you take them! "/)?¿* ^ Ç ¨:! ... I find it?!

try counting to 10 before making a decision, or ...

.. . O ...

... I'll read to bed ...

Vegetable Oil To Masterbate

Florence K.

I like the look well, and that she will return and fencing that knowing look, a subtle smile that never tries to hide the pain load, but, by contrast, is painted with an infinite love.
Sabelo: I envy you.
I would be there to fill it with hugs and say words that push. But I also know that many more wanted to be there. Because when I say subtle smile is loaded with an infinite love, infinite love that has already been forwarded to thousands of people who love and support it. The guy who was left a legacy of love that denies the tragic death.
Like you're there, where your old bank to stop tweakers. And I hope you understand that the way ahead is not roses.
On the opposite sidewalk, vultures, snakes, Dementors and darkness, are watching to make you shit, shit to us, to make shit. But you know, crudely speaking, that the clubs that put on the wheel, they are going to have to put it in the sunrise. You know, as I read today in graffiti, every stone to throw the country use to build a more just and equitable, and to remember that these stones will all the hatred of a people who know transcendent values \u200b\u200bsuch as solidarity or loyalty . Does not know, of course, that of love.
K: I guess you're a very important column in this building, because, surely, you're the love of your mother. You got an amazing historical moment in which your parents (including your brother) built a building that looks safe. But we have to follow.
Perhaps the media vultures, trying to play with yourself these days, making up stories, hypothesizing perverse about your tastes or your intimacies. They're miserable. Luckily, you're no daughter of Cobos, Cobos is not your father. We know that you are not going to ask your mom to loosen or to give you a taste for the powerful. Although someone yell something vulgar on the street.
do not see you shaking, I see your mother or tremble when offended. Nor shook the guy who left us and we inherited a love that is multiplied every day. That love, you have to have it clear, give life to your mother and this country. Love that reflexively reach you immediately, like a ray of light that illuminates your path. And, paradoxically, twitching the minds of the haters as usual.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Why Scorpio Man Disappear

Hi Redhead! (Philadelphia Story, 1940)

"Tracy Lord I played for a year on stage, but nobody made an offer for a movie role in Hollywood. Nobody realized that I was the owner of the work . "
Kate Hepburn.

Philadelphia Story (1940) is the story of Tracy Lord ( Kate Hepburn ) a darling of the high aristocracy who, two years after divorcing her first husband, CK Dexter Heaven ( Cary Grant) is preparing her wedding with a dull and dark but kind promisingly rich, George Kittredge (John Howard ).

When a tabloid magazine learns of the impending wedding celebration, family blackmailing Lord to allow them to cover the ceremony in exchange for not publishing the father of Tracy romance with a dancer.
C. K Dexter, the ex-husband, is responsible for introducing the magazine's reporters, Mike Connor ( James Stewart) and Liz Imbrie (Ruth Hussey ).

When Kate Hepburn appeared in the famous list of "box office poison " voluntarily withdrew the film and took refuge for a while at home with their parents. His production company had terminated the contract and the history of box office failure of films which had appeared, no other work offered. In addition, the public disliked the nickname "Katharine the arrogant."

On his return to the world of acting was devoted to the theater and a work that had been created by his friend Philip Barry . Barry had created Tracy Lord in the image and likeness of her friend Kate, doing a parody of the reputation that the public had of bossy and unfeminine. Representation on Broadway was a success. I can not resist putting this picture of Kate in the Broadway play The Philadelphia Story. Should be put in jail who took this dress costumes for the movie ...

After a year of the Broadway debut the producers began to compete to get the rights to the work and think in new players. For the role of Tracy Lord is thought of Joan Crawford and Norma Shearer Ann Sheridan, actress ever in one year had already been playing Tracy. But the studios, producers and agents were met with a "small pittance" when they tried to buy the rights to the work.

At that time, Kate had a relationship with the aviation tycoon, Howard Hughes , who advised him to buy the rights Philadelphia Story before it was released. Kate thought it was good advice, but at that time did not have that cost $ 30,000. And as she thought, Howard bought them and gave them away.

screenplay adaptation of the two writers were unknown, Donald Ogden Stewart and Waldo Salt . When Kate negotiated with Louis B. Mayer to sell the rights to the Metro, said that began with their best offer, he did not like bargain. Mayer asked who were the screenwriters of the film, but she knew that if he told the names of two complete strangers would be all over. Not only those who were not revealed but the writers made sure they were well paid, knowing that if Mayer discovered that the writers had no name would be paid a pittance. Mayer offered him $ 175,000 and 75,000 for the rights to her for playing the title role. Kate sold the rights to the MGM on the condition of being herself the star and elect the director and actors.

Kate and Howard

As director, chose his best friend, George Cukor supporting actors as Clark Gable and Spencer Tracy. The latter two had other commitments, so Mayer suggested to Cary Grant and James Stewart. Kate admitted that Cary Grant should have been his first choice, James Stewart had liked in Ca knight without sword.

Grant chose the role of the ex-husband. According to Kate, Grant was given a choice because it was more difficult to treat. James called

Joseph Mankiewicz, the producer, when he received the script to say that he liked the script and the film but would like to play the role of the journalist. Mankiewicz said that if what James said, " not have to talk to anyone else? " and Mankiewicz told that this was the role assigned to him from the beginning.

The producer said it was vital that there were two male actors who were in a high point of his career to counter the bad reputation of his leading lady, just in case ...
And what to me is the most perfect trio in the history of cinema in a movie, Hepburn's character, charisma and natural Grant Stewart.

The film was removed a character in the play, the brother of Tracy. Mankiewciz words of two characters merged into one, the ex-husband and brother Tracy, it was originally her brother who introduced to journalists at the home of the Lord. In the film several times referred to Tracy's brother, but never appears. So to give more prominence Grant became a strange pastiche of characters.

interpretative chemistry between Grant and Hepburn was already well proven in other movies like The Bringing Up Baby or live to enjoy, both box office flops, of course. But the chemistry between Hepburn and Stewart emerged beat that had with Grant. The scene in which both were drunk at the pool is legendary in the film.

Although the beginnings of the relationship between Stewart and Hepburn were a little strange. James and Kate flew understand much about aviation so she told him if he could fly one day with him. According to him, Kate never stopped talking and he went crazy. James was eager to say "shut up" but knowing that the chemistry of the film said nothing could be damaged.
" Cary envied for being able to give a good push in that first scene of The Philadelphia Story. I certainly would not have done o, p ut there was a time when I could not help but feel like it, particularly when the plane landed . "James Stewart.

The famous push that gives Dexter K C. Tracy Lord in the beginning of the movie was dumb strategy Cukor. In the first movie of Kate, also Cukor, it was down the stairs with a white dress to impress the audience. You know that first impressions ... In this occasion, knowing that the audience had thought that the best hobby in the public way "swallow" Kate Cary Grant would give him the boost that they had wanted to give.

The result of three monumental actors and actress known as "director of actresses" could have no other result than brilliant. While James Stewart qualified that Cukor was a director of actors, which helped him more than Kate, because according to him "needed it more. "

also encouraged actors to improvise. Stewart improvised without telling anyone in a scene with Grant. In the scene in question, Mike Connor, drunk, having a conversation with Cary Grant and James Stewart suddenly started to simulate an attack of hiccups. To which Grant responded with a "forgiveness " and continued recording.
"Once filnalizada the scene, Cary showed his respect for my hiccups. I think our friendship was founded back in the attack of hiccups ." James Stewart.

All Philadelphia Story scenes were filmed at once. Only 8 weeks were needed.

This trio of aces and well worth the director the film is so respectable that remains to this day. Culturally is considered one of the best comedies of all time. Do you think that if not for its cast, it would be as mythical?

is undeniable, in my opinion, it has aged badly. Kate's character based on his comedy, which supposedly is a liberated woman, arrogant and as a result, a tomboy. Today, a woman can be released, arrogant and do not have to stop being female. Tracy Lord is supposed to arrogant to be "tame" and make it submissive and therein lies the humor of her character. Her father, her ex-husband and her fiance will make you look constantly going astray. It is almost embarrassing scene in which the father (John Halliday ) makes mourn and to convince that there is a loving daughter and, therefore, he has an affair with a dancer.

Today, not only no fun to try to appease the "free spirit" or the strong character of a woman but not sense or purpose.

Moreover, Grant's character, CK Dexter, in and out continuously until it reaches the screen be a bit subrrealista its role in history. Thanks to his talent and charisma will be thrown over.

Then there is the character of journalist Liz Imbrie, who waits for his object of desire, Mike Connors is decided whether or not Tracy, totally submissive, resigned, somewhat insulting.

Then there is the mother of Tracy, another such dances, defends his horns with complete pride. For me the varnished from time to time ... And of course, try, like everyone, that Tracy is an ewe more.

On the other hand, we are introduced to Tracy as a liberated woman, "released by what? Why has spread?, Why give bad answers? I do not understand.

Not to mention the little sister, he saw a girl so odious from the small demon The Smear .

short, it's time, this in my "little" personal analysis of The Philadelphia Story, a film that has some of lime and sand and so many others who are lucky to hide behind great performances and a script that starts smiles but no laughs. Perhaps in his season starts but is now seriously outdated.

Donald Ogden Stewart won the Oscar for Best Screenplay, James Stewart won an Oscar for Best Actor (some say they gave because he had by Knight Without a Sword, who knows ...) and Kate Hepburn traced his career. Perhaps we could say that The Philadelphia Story was for Kate Hepburn what About Eve was for Bette Davis.

"no history of Philadelphia, Phil and Howard, my life would have been very different. I would have gone ahead, but maybe my career would not have done ." Kate Hepburn.

Well, is justified.

A greeting to all =)

Quotations Katharine Hepburn and James Stewart have been extracted from " Katharine Hepburn.'s Biography" . Charlotte Chandler.

PS: I leave a link to a post I wrote about the biography of Kate Hepburn cited in the blog to collaborate:
